Salivary Gland Surgery in London

Salivary Gland Cancer

As an experienced head and neck surgeon, Mr Alibhai can help you with any problems associated with the salivary glands.

Commonly the major salivary glands can become blocked as a result of stone formation or mucus plugging. This can cause infection or recurrent swelling of the salivary glands termed ‘meal time syndrome’.

Mr Alibhai will be able to help guide you through accurate diagnosis and successful treatment often involving minimally invasive techniques to avoid gland removal and maximise function.

The salivary glands can be affected by growths or tumours, which in turn may be benign or malignant.

Accurate diagnosis through a detailed examination, cross sectional imaging and often needle biopsy will direct treatment.

The parotid gland is commonly affected by benign growths and Mr Alibhai may be able to perform a technique termed ‘extracapsular dissection’ through a small incision. This will leave the majority of the gland in place and can minimise long-term complications.